Everyday Life

Feeling Better

Yesterday I woke up early and sat down to read for a while in my favorite chair in the living room. Joey wouldn’t be there for an hour…or so I thought…and I had a little quiet to just sit and listen. I really felt strongly that God was telling me He wanted to show me something in my Bible so I read…and read…and read. Nothing stood out…nothing grabbed me…nothing to claim as my verse to pull me from the dullness I have had through the first half of the week. I shrugged my shoulders and trudged on through my day. Joey’s parents overslept so he didn’t arrive until a bit late in the morning, I decided not to make a list for the day and instead just focus on whatever was in front of me. I had an appointment with Kathy yesterday morning so I made sure the bottom floor of the house was presentable, I straightened things up, washed the dishes, made some tea and got Kris’ lunch ready and then I just waited. Owen and I played a little, I read blogs and checked e-mail and put Joey down for a nap just before she arrived. Afterward, I started feeling pretty good. Kris left for work and Joey woke up and I played with both the boys for a while, started a load of laundry and straightened our bed up (I couldn’t really say I made the bed, just pulled the quilt up and laid the pillows straight) I fed Joey, I got toys for Joey and I went over and over with Owen the art of sharing. He is at that stage where he’s grabbing things insisting they are his. Spanking and time-out are things that only deter him for a while but I know that if I consistently show him how important it is, that it will sink in eventually. I watched some decorating shows on the computer and soon it was time for lunch. Both boys took naps after lunch and I worked on laundry and sorting things in my messy closet. I was feeling sleepy but happy. After Joey left, Owen and I went outside for a little while. There was a wonderful breeze and it smelled good outside. I got to talk to Sherri next door and Owen played on their swings and slides and Sherri and I even took a few swings. (There play set is very large and can accommodate even large pregnant ladies :)) ) Sherri started their grill up which made it smell even better outside but we needed to get in and get cleaned up for leadership dinner. Kris got home and Owen and I got bathed and showered and dressed to go. We left early and had our usual monthly helping of Lasagna. I felt so good by the time I got to church…I was happy, social, felt bright eyed and bushy tailed and I’ll even go so far as to say energetic. I refrained from eating two pieces of cake which was really hard cause they were smaller than usual but I did it. We heard a really good speaker and I wish I had brought pen and paper to take notes, but it was very encouraging and extremely challenging. I walked away with my head full of things I need to be doing or changing. We got Owen to bed, which was a little difficult last night but he survived. It was after 9:00 when we got home so he was too tired to reason with and I felt so bad for him. He got to sleep by 10:30 I think. Anyway…as I laid my head on my pillow to go to sleep I thought back to my early morning reading and realized that God did speak to me…that He really did want to show me something. He showed me that He can renew me, give me strength and encourage me all day long without a specific “word” that I read or phrase that I sing or repeat. He just feeds me when I sit down to eat at His table and as it says in Psalm 23 He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Not long ago I was thinking about this verse and the idea that God has prepared such a bounty for us and invites us to sit down to it right in front of the enemy…as if to mock him in some ways. This is my child, God says, and I have more for her than you can even tempt her with. This is my child…and I’m so proud of her.

4 thoughts on “Feeling Better

  1. Gosh, Mary. I’ve never thought about that before. There have been lots of times I’ve read the Bible and walked away- dare I admit it?- disappointed because I didn’t really get “anything”. Maybe I got “something” for later, or maybe the point was simply to spend time with Him and listen to His voice. Thank you for writing this entry. I really got “something” out of it.

  2. Okay, that’s all nice, but what are the decorating shows you watch online? Could I watch them?

    Seriously though, that is encouraging and goes along with what Clay and I did yesterday. I got so blessed singing and doing the motions of kids worship songs while he strummed his guitar.

  3. Kristy – didn’t watch them online exactly. The computer has software which allows me to watch television on the computer. I have a cable hook up that I run accross the room and into the USB port on the computer. So I was watching HGTV.

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