I was going to write about our visitors but Kris did such a great job of recapping all of that I think I’ll leave it alone. I am now done with the Night of Laughter for this year and am thinking about all I want to do next year…but it is just something I make a note of now and then. I finished my quilt, Dad is back in Michigan, Owen’s birthday is past and our visitors from Florida are gone, so what am I doing now?
I’m still trying to catch up on housework for one thing. I need to vacuum, I need to mop, I need to do just about anything you could think of in the realm of housekeeping, and I am, but I’m doing it all slowly and there is no pressure to get it done quickly. The only problem with that is as soon as you finally get through all the chores…you have to start over.
I am also making lists of all that needs to get done before the end of the year. There are birthdays, holidays and a baby coming in the next 2 1/2 months and I’d like to be somewhat prepared. I think other than getting announcements out, the baby is going to be the easy part. He already has pretty much everything he needs in the way of equipment, furniture, bedding and clothes. In fact…I now have Owen’s old clothes, Grant and Dean Fadely’s old clothes and Allen Jones’ old clothes. I think he’ll have plenty to wear. I do need to reorganize and make sure that he and Owen can share a room efficiently. Their room has plenty of space we just need to add another bureau or something to put clothes in. We have one…but I’m using it. So really, I need a bureau or dresser for my clothes. I’m going to come up with a way to store my clothes without it though…I know I can…right now I’m spread out all over the closet floor because I am wearing maternity clothes and haven’t put any of my other clothes elsewhere…I hate that. I need to go through all of it and get rid of some things and then store some things and all of that. We have room I just need to get organized. I wish I were better at that stuff. Kris is much better at it than I am.
I have prepared for some of the holiday stuff. I have several meals in the freezer and I’ve made a list of all the people we need to prepare gifts or cards for at Christmas. Thanksgiving should be simple enough…we aren’t going anywhere and as far as I know…no one is coming here so we may just get together with whoever else is in town without family and do a potluck. I could even have it here, I just won’t clean. Come if you dare! Just kidding.
Everything will work out well. I’m sure of it.
Visitors are great but cleaning up before and after is the pits!
Good luck with Owen and baby #2 sharing a room. We’re trying that with Chloe and Halle now and Chloe ends up sleeping in the living room because she can’t stand to hear Halle crying. She and Amanda have that in common. And Halle is NOT coming back to our room!
You? Need to clean? Mary when I went over there it seemed like you were all done cleaning! You should come and take a look at my place. Ugh – awful mess here.
And I think I’m going to postpone my trip to Florida to save some money. I’ll go sometime next year for sure. If you guys are doing a small thing at your house, I can contribute if you are both okay with it. I think that having a little bit of family time at Thanksgiving is important. Let me know. 🙂
Amy – I am concerned about that. I used to rock Owen to sleep and hope that this one will respond as quickly to rocking and singing as Owen did…I don’t think Owen would wake up during feeding time in the middle of the night but I don’t know for sure. Grant and Dean did really well if I remember right but maybe Tisra knows something we don’t…what am I saying…Tisra knows lots of things we don’t. That’s why we ask her stuff all the time.
Michelle – It’s just that maintenance cleaning that is building up. The bathrooms and floors mainly need a good going over. I don’t know if you saw my closet or not but…that’s a fright. And yes, we will definitely let you know if we do something for Thanksgiving.
We didn’t put the boys together immediately. I waited until Dean was a few months old and sleeping through the night nicely. After that, though, they have always done well. The sooner you put them together, the sooner they will adjust. It will be just fine and they will love it!
Tisra – So Dean was sleeping through the night without any feedings at a few months old? I need to pray that we have that happen. Owen still fed at least once in the night until around 9 or 10 months. That was when I decided I was being the sucker and just let him cry it out.
Hi – I’m a newcomer to the blogging world. I haven’t set up my own yet but I decided to read other’s blogs today. I’ll add my 1 cents worth about the kids sharing a bedroom. I did the same thing Tisra did. After Hope was sleeping through the night, I put her in the same room with Grace. Ironically, if one of them cried (usually it was Grace) it just lullabied the other one to sleep. I know this is a little unusual but Hope was sleeping through the night by 3 weeks. Wow. What a blessing. I still waited until she was about 4 or 5 months old to put her in Grace’s room though. I liked your comments about you being the sucker. Hee hee.
It really never bothered me to get up and feed him until after 8 months. That’s when I started feeling tired. But that could be because he was my first and the only one that was requiring much of me.
Dean slept through the night at about 6 or 7 weeks. Lael slept through the night at about 9 weeks. Grant didn’t do it until 6 or 7 MONTHS. I firmly believe that when a house is not made perfectly quiet for the baby, they get used to the racket. *New* racket is a different story (like when guests are around), but Lael is very used to the racket she has with her two brothers and does well for naps considering all those rooms are as close as they are. Dean did well sharing the room with grant for naps (when Grant was still napping), too, until they wanted to do more playing than napping. It all works out so well and I’m so glad the boys have shared a room. Even with the bunk beds, they share a bed most of the time because the love one another. Once or twice we’ve caught them spooning. So funny!
Are you trying to convince us or yourself that all will be alright?! I know you know it will but I thought it was funny.
Traci – Probably a little of both. 🙂