Today is a good day to stay home and sew or knit or crochet or something. I may gain some gumption to get out of the house, but right now I just want to get my laundry started and then curl up in a chair with some quiet productivity in my lap.
Owen got a good night’s sleep. After playing hard yesterday out in the sunshine he went to bed quickly and quietly last night and slept a little later this morning. He and I had big bowls of oatmeal for breakfast and I whipped up a blueberry smoothie for Kris to take on the way out the door.
I knew that today was supposed to be rainy and even stormy this afternoon but I had this underlying hope that maybe they would be wrong and we could have another day like yesterday. They were not wrong so I must be thankful for what this day brings despite my mild disappointment. I have a lot of things to do in the house anyway. Since I am leaving this weekend and have things in the works for the next three weekends beyond that I need to be on the ball and have things prepared for trips and company. That said…I’d better get moving.