This is the letter I would have put in our Christmas cards this year. I thought I’d save a couple trees, but not all of them. I still sent some cards (I bought a pack of 50…if you didn’t get one it’s because I have too many cousins), I just didn’t print a letter and fold it into them.
The boys helped me with the cards this year. They traced, cut, peeled and pasted. It was a blast to watch their importance growing in their minds as they worked. They are already important in my mind of course.
I was trying to keep them simple, but I can’t resist at least hinting at the little bits of affection I feel from the Holy Spirit this time of year. His reminder that the nearness of the Savior is my only hope of goodness and what joy to know that He is indeed near. How sweet to hear the ringing of familiar carols from childhood in my head as I thought about His presence. How many Christmases have I asked for His nearness in these lyrics? “Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay…” He does draw near, He does stay and He is the fulfillment of any good I dare to strive for.
I am pretty sure that I say this every year, but it has been a good year. The ups outweighed the downs, but even the “downs” always prove to be “ups” in disguise.
This year, in addition to our Sunday school class, Kris and I were asked to teach the pre-marital class on Wednesday nights. We have wanted to do that for a long time and were a bit giddy at the opportunity. The subject of strong marriages is one of our favorites. We do not take it lightly and wish for all couples going into the commitment to have the truth of the arrangement spelled very plainly to them. So many mountains could be hills with the right perspective. So many valleys could be places of growth, with the right attitude. We have had a great time conveying the little things that most couples are too dizzy in affection to consider on their own. What a delight to see them look at one another with questions in their eyes. “Do you expect me to work once we have kids?” “Do you think it’s okay to have a separate checking account?” We try to get them thinking, asking and looking at marriage a little differently.
Owen started 2nd grade this year. I know I shouldn’t brag on him, but I just marvel at his thoughtful and insightful ways. He is a joy to parent. He continues to grow like a weed, I have trouble keeping him in pants that are long enough. He is also continuing to enjoy books. Last year at Christmas we bought the first 6 Hardy Boys books for him. He is now on book 37 and has also read many books from the school library in between those.
Ivan started Kindergarten. What a change that has been. He has shown us so much growth and maturity in this first half of the school year. I think (know) he has frustrated his teacher a few times with his insistence on taking his sweet, sweet time with his work, but she has also spoken of his charm and sweet heart. I am thankful for her understanding and wisdom as she has come alongside us with Ivan. His wit is an absolute delight to me. He is very clever and funny for a little guy and I get a kick out of it.
Aron, my social fellow, is at home without his brothers. He doesn’t like it very much and we have bouts of sorrow and neediness that we struggle with at times. He likes to be out of the house and busy about life. I like to be home and working alone. The two of us are a very unlikely pair and we have had to make sacrifices between us. I take him out more, he plays alone more and we are finding our rhythm. We both anticipate him starting school but I am not sure if we will do it next year or wait another round. He is eligible to attend Kindergarten next fall, but he would start at four and be one of the youngest, if not the youngest, in his class. We are leaving that decision up to God. As much as I want to start him and allow him the adventure he desires, I am also in no hurry to let go of him so young or watch him grow up slightly behind the rest of his classmates. There is a right answer (specifically for us, I already know what almost everyone else thinks about it) and it will come.
Also this year, Kris and I both participated in overseas mission trips with our church. I went to India and Kris went to Kenya. The experiences were amazing. Seeing God move, and realizing that He used me to do it is something I will never grow tired of. Sometimes, images are seared into our minds, sometimes it’s a feeling, in India I was ironed flat with contrast, color and humility. It was a rare opportunity and has become priceless to my memory. Souls connected with Christ, lives were eternally redirected and joy and victory were offered the avenue of hope. Kris, too, saw God’s mercy and power in new ways. Healing, compassion and insight were offered to hosts of people who had nothing to look to before. We learn to serve and see God filling our hands as we reach out to those in need. In a place of poverty, He offers an abundance of hope. Kenya was brought home in hundreds of photos. The majesty of creation such a stark contrast to the slums outside the city. Kris was enamored with Africa’s beauty and will definitely go back if the opportunity presents itself.
And so we coast into the final days of the year with the always bright and jovial holiday to brighten our path. It is my favorite time of year.
I am grateful for the moment we’re given, each day that slides under my feet each morning and bids me to walk into yet another series of challenges, losses, realities and victories. I’m grateful that I, that we, my family and I, have a hand to hold. I’m even more grateful that if we look closely, it is that hand that is holding us. Our Lord is so evident in the smallest of details, reminding us over and over that though we cannot see Him, though we cannot feel His arms around us, He is interceding and involved, He is God With Us, and He is very, very near.
Merry Christmas!
Love, The Kelso Family
My two cents on letting Aron start school next year (because you really want my $.02). . . As you know Madison was THAT kid and I did have her start early and most of her scholastic career I felt confident it was the right decision for her (us), but where I found myself doubting the decision was when she entered middle school soooo young. She’s handled all of it very well as you know, but I do remember thinking to myself when she started middle school “I didn’t consider THIS part when deciding to allow her to start school young”. You are absolutely right . . . each family and each kid has a unique situation that can benefit from one scenario over the other and I’m confident in your wisdom to make the best decision there for Aron and for your family, but I just thought I’d share with you my experience so that no matter what you decide you’ll decide with full knowledge of the pros/cons of either decision. I do still feel like my decision was a good one for Madison, but I have often wondered had I waited one more year, would school (in the early years at least) have come easier to her? Then again . . . I’m not that parent who wants things to be easy for her. I want her to earn her way in everything She certainly has done that. Do you feel like you got your money’s worth out of my two cents?
What an amazing year you’ve had! I’m so glad for all the growth and new things your family has experienced and I’m so proud to call you my friend.
Amber, thank you for your 2 cents. I do appreciate it. I have had a couple other people tell me that same thing. Their boys were especially small when entering that already awkward stage and though they were more than ready when they started kindergarten, they were painfully aware of the age difference when middle school rolled around. Aron, has always been like the little mini-dachshund whose self image has far outweighed his actual size. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but we’re praying about it and trusting that God has the right answer.
Christy, thank you. That little comment is precious to me, and I am equally proud.
Finally downloaded the reader so I could read your Christmas letter. A little late, but now I am set for next year. Love to hear about the things going on in your life. So happy God has blessed you with so much!!