Today is our second, first day of school for the year. Owen’s first day was yesterday and Ivan starts today. They do attend the same school, but as Ivan is starting kindergarten, there is a phase in schedule that didn’t include him yesterday.
Owen was SO excited about starting. He is in 2nd grade this year and loves the routine, the challenges, the people, the whole thing. He LOVES it. For some kids, the school year leads up to summer vacation, for Owen, summer leads to a brand new school year. I don’t know how long that will last but I am glad for every bit of it while it does.
Ivan has been very excited too. It’s a different excitement simply because he doesn’t know what to expect the way Owen does. He has been nervous I think and it comes out in his energy and boisterous behavior. He has been a little more aggressive and forceful lately. I don’t like it, but I realized a couple days ago that it’s probably a bit of anxiety on his part, showing itself in aggressive behavior. We’ve had a few talks about self-control and even some object lessons. I gave him a pep talk this morning about how smart he is and how great this is going to be and then I told him why we do this.
I was thinking about my boys last night and the difference especially in Owen and Ivan. Owen responds to logic. If a + b = c, then lets get a and b together! Ivan understands a + b = c, but he doesn’t care unless c has some benefit to his pleasure or purpose. So this morning I talked about why he’s going to school, what God can do with a boy/man who is full of knowledge and understanding and I’ll probably keep giving him that speech for as long as he’s in school. I just need to find different ways to communicate it.
So that leaves me and Aron. I have had a good morning with my little social fellow. We visited the library and have read books, played games and now he is playing with play-dough. He’s not happy about our situation and to be honest I haven’t been happy yet either. I have been a lot more emotional with Ivan going than I was with Owen. It feels yucky and I’m having one of those days where my heart is so soaked and swollen with emotion that it all feels physically tight in my chest. I’ve already had a cry (or two) and I’m really fine, I just miss my little sweetheart. What is going to happen when Aron goes? I don’t know.
To distract myself I have kept myself busy at the computer resizing pictures of the boys first DAZE of school. Yesterday:
And Today:
I’m just SO GLAD that HE is happy! That makes up for so much.
I am so glad for Ivan! I need to talk to these boys very soon! Your pictures made me cry too! I need to visit soon; they are growing so fast!
Awww, I’m so sorry you’re so sad
I really wasn’t looking forward to Chloe going to school but she was so, so happy that it really did make up for a lot.
You’ve got some gorgeous boys there
And Ivan really does look happy.
He’s home now. It was a half day and he had such a great time. He was beaming when he got in the van and as we walked in the house he said, “I’m having a GOOD day already!”
Love the pics at school. Proud of Ivan for being brave entering Kindergarten. Proud of you too Mary. We all knew Owen would be ready to go back. God bless all of you Mary.
Sigh. What big boys you have
I remember how much harder it was for me when Emma started school than when Andrew started. And I find it interesting how closely my two follow the approach yours take to school. Andrew loves it. Emma…well…she only loves it if it makes something inside her happy.
I like your boys.
Oh Mary! I feel your heart. I’ve been there….wishing for things to stay the same, trying to appreciate the new norm….but my heart breaking for the one that had to go off to school. I remember feeling that esp. when Isabella left (the first one.)
You’re a good mama~ I’ll say a little prayer for you that you can feel a special peace next week and you find your new norm.