
Ever Been There?

dear intrepid soul
your eyes shift left to disengage
you seem to think you are safe from disclosure
as you search with longing for someone you love
and hope above all else
you don’t see anyone you know

5 thoughts on “Ever Been There?

  1. I wish you knew how poetry illiterate I am. I have to have things spelled out for me.

    I think it’s beautiful and I totally get the intrepid soul, eyes shifting to disengage, the spot I’m lost in is “search with longing for someone you love”, if you don’t want to see anyone you know. I’ve almost got it. I just need a little help. I blame my tiny Christian school education.

  2. Amy – I didn’t know if anyone would “get it” or not. I don’t necessarily mean to be cryptic, but that is how the thought came to me yesterday and it sounded poetic, so I went with it.

    After school yesterday the boys and I stopped in at Sweet Ce Ce’s for a frozen yogurt mess and there were a LOT of people there because they were sponsoring a “spirit night” for the school. It was all people from Owen’s school and I was noticing how many people knew each other but I didn’t know them. I remembered being in crowds like that when I was younger. I remember wishing I had someone to be with, someone I loved and felt comfortable with, but every time someone I knew came in the door all I wanted was to be left alone. I didn’t want to entertain anyone or have to be “on” for anyone. It never struck me then how inconsistent that was. I laughed a little yesterday, remembering how lonely I felt, but how picky I was about who I wanted to be friendly toward.

    I was friendly. I always did try to be nice to people. Picky as I may have been, I couldn’t bear the thought of hurting someones feelings.

  3. I was thinking how sad the poem was, very descriptive and emotional, but i didn’t suspect it was about you! Thanks for the explanation!

  4. Ok, I was picturing a young lady in a train station hoping to find the love of her life and yet was hoping it wasn’t someone she already knew. It’s very romantic.

  5. VERY romantic. My heart was aching before I even got to the third line. I get it, but like all good poems, I get it as it relates to me 🙂 and has nothing to do with what it meant to the writer.

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