Everyday LifeFamilyIvanMichigan

One Day

So far Ivan has had one day of school. Yesterday I got groceries. That’s a morning activity in our house and I like it that way. If I cannot do any better about schooling than I may have to change that, but I’m hoping this is just an odd week.

This is an odd week.

Today I voted. It didn’t take long at all to go down to the polling place and make my selections, what took forever was deciding who to select. There were a lot of positions up for grabs and a lot of information to sort through. Our republican choice for Governor has been one I’ve gone back and forth on for a while and still question whether I chose correctly. All the other positions I had to search for records and statements to tell me who they really are. Candidate websites are really little help when they only tell you what a nice person they are. Candidate ads and junk mail are annoying. Quit telling me what’s wrong with the other guy…tell me why you are my best option and SHUT-UP! I don’t want to hear it! I really don’t. I usually find out later it was a twisted form of truth anyway. I haven’t heard one ad that hasn’t been contradicted by another. How do I know who is telling the truth. I don’t. I listen to talk radio some, I don’t watch the news, I rely mainly on what I can find out on my own…and that takes time. Lots and lots of time. I know it’s worth it, but Ivan is missing school again today.

Tomorrow is the beginning, and personally my only opportunity to take advantage, of the tax free weekend. I need to fulfill a few uniform needs for Owen so I’m going shopping tomorrow morning as soon as we drop Owen off. Then it’s home to pack and by early afternoon we will be off to MI for my 20 year high school reunion.

All of this makes me sad for my sweet Ivan, who deserves a good start on his education. However, I will not sorrow over such things. I will start afresh as the day of our returning draws nigh.

I’m looking forward to our trip and I think Ivan can get a lot of educating through experience in the next few days. Don’t you?

3 thoughts on “One Day

  1. You are so right about Ivan learning through experience. It is amazing the things that can be taught through everyday errands. For example, math and nutrition can be taught at the grocery store. Colors and shapes are everywhere as well as grammar. Knowing you, you can make just about anything a learning experience. Have fun!

  2. Kudos to you for starting already. I’m taking it a bit easier and have no plans to start until September 🙂

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