In the past couple of weeks it has been running through my head that I need to get a true definition of what a blessing is. I feel blessed. I look around me and see blessings in many forms but what if the carpet were ripped out from under me and the tangibles were taken away, would I recognize a blessing when I saw it? As I’m pondering these things I took note when Pastor Davis said in the midst of a sermon recently, “you have to take inventory of your eternal blessings.” Eternal blessings are exactly what I want to take inventory of.
Of course I look at my children and my husband and many of the relationships I’ve so graciously been given opportunity to enjoy. I see them as blessings and I know that as Christians we are able to consider these other souls as blessings for all of eternity. I felt there was more though and happened to notice in last week’s Bible study reading assignment that Ephesians 1:3 says that we are blessed with “every spiritual blessing.” Hmmm. What are my spiritual blessings. Well, as God is the absolute coolest, He was not slow in teaching me. Today’s Bible study centered on our “Top Ten Blessings.” Isn’t that the coolest?
I listened this morning with a growing sense of awe and wonder over God’s incredible care and intimate love toward us. He knows me. He loves me despite all the junk cluttering my soul and despite all the dirt I have yet to find in the corners of my heart. He doesn’t just have an overshadowing affection for mankind, He has a joyful, heartfelt affection for me alone. He does not lump me into groups or quantify my value in terms of any acts of mine, good or bad. He sees me, and I am encased in the quality flesh of Christ and injected with the power of the Holy Spirit. I belong to no one in the way that I belong to Him, and He delights (by delight I mean He’s absolutely giddy) in our kinship. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing because I have personal and unlimited access to the author of all that’s good.
That isn’t what she told us in Bible study. She did end on that same topic…His great affection for us, but I was feeling all of that during the rest of the teaching. It’s what the Holy Spirit seemed to be singing to me in that room while she was giving us her top ten list. If anyone had looked at me they would have seen the tears welling in my eyes as I reveled in His affection. That’s what His eternal blessings do for us.
I have experienced God’s love that way several times in life. During worship services most often, but I’ve noticed that He does not pour that feeling over me simply because I ask. It is directly related to my acknowledgment of His character. I don’t have to even be thinking spiritual thoughts or reading my Bible or doing anything characterized as Holy, all I have to do is recognize Him and He starts dishing it out. He is Love…so it would stand to reason that when I see Love and say hello…Love starts talking right to me.
Counting our blessings this morning in Bible study was an act of worship. It was a recognition of God, His love and His holiness by learning His unique way of equipping us with blessings we cannot earn and cannot lose. Our loss is only if we forget, ignore or neglect them.
1. We are chosen by God.
2. We are loved by God.
3. We are predestined by God.
4. We are accepted by God.
5. We have been redeemed.
6. We have been forgiven.
7. We have wisdom and understanding.
8. We know the mystery of His will.
9. We have an inheritance.
10.We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Isn’t God the coolest?
Very, Very Cool
yes! love it – love Him!!!
Yes. Yes, He is.