Everyday LifeLimerick FridayMichigan

The Lines that He Spun

There once was a man named Max,
He was loud and unhindered by facts.
The lines that he spun,
Were whimsy and fun,
But his stories were all full of cracks.

There was a man named Max Woodman that frequented my parents restaurant regularly. He was apparently fitted for dentures at one time because his mouth was completely free of teeth, but he never wore them. He had two sons a little younger than me so I don’t think he was as old as his toothless smile made him seem. He also had an interesting hobby or occupation…I’m not sure which it was. He trapped and sold snapping turtles. He had a lot of stories about his adventures catching those big turtles and though it seems funny to me that a man with no teeth would catch something with a bite like a snapping turtle I guess it’s not that odd. They don’t have teeth either.

5 thoughts on “The Lines that He Spun

  1. This is a guy I’d like to meet.
    And yeah – regardless of the dental state of snapping turtles, it *is* that odd.
    Thank you – after the week you’ve had you still managed to give us a grin with a limerick!

  2. I took care of a crusty old guy in his 70’s on Thursday. When I went to the lobby to tell his daughter he was still sleeping, she replied, “well good for you because he’s a pain in the a–.” ha! Once you cracked through the crust, he was actually a nice enough guy. He told me to get him the h— out of there, but when I told him I thought it was alright for him to sit up and then go home, he wanted to sleep longer. The reason the story applies to Max? When I gave him his teeth to put back in, he muttered, “Hi Buddies”. I was feeling a little perplexed until he said that he had gotten them when he was 16. I guess after 55 years, they would be your buddies:)

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