Arden CourtEveryday LifeHouseMary Mary StationerySewing

Mattie Kate and What’s In a Name

I finally finished a Mattie Kate that I feel will be a final pattern. I will continue perfecting as I go but I am donating this one toward Tisra’s Adoption Fund along with a pair of the mini Mary Jane’s that will be made this week in the same fabrics.

I had been thinking about making more Mattie Kate’s and opening an Etsy shop. After Amy and Tisra both mentioned it as well, I think I might drop the 20 cents and give it a shot. I have already created a PDF of her pattern that I can sell as well but may need to tweak the instructions a bit. As they are, a novice sewer would probably not have much luck. I should probably take some pictures of the processes, but I really don’t look forward to that. I might be able to get Kris to take some for me but he’d probably charge me. Kidding of course.

Right now I’m debating what to call my Etsy shop. I’m considering several ideas. One name that doesn’t have anything to do with sewing is a name I came up with a couple years ago. Mary Mary Stationary is what I would like to call a little card shop. You can sell other things in card shops so it wouldn’t necessarily limit me, but it seems odd to call it that when my only product right now is a stuffed bunny.

Another name option is one regarding our current location on a street named Arden. I have always liked the name Arden and considered it for a girl if we ever had one. Obviously we didn’t, but it helped endear me to this house when I saw the street name. I had thought that Arden’s Closet would be a cute name for a little girls boutique. For Etsy I was thinking The Arden Collection.

Then there is the theme of 2009 which is my vision of the open field and all the opportunities waiting for my commitment and desire. I think it’s appropriate that a little bunny should hop into that scene I envisioned and the name Open Field Collection is pretty limitless in what could be brought to the shelves.

So it is. I will labor over this for a little while yet, and then let Kris tell me which ones he doesn’t like, and whatever is left will be my answer. He’s a much better decision maker than I am. Of course any ideas you my fellow bloggers would wish to contribute would be considered as well.

9 thoughts on “Mattie Kate and What’s In a Name

  1. I always loved Mary Mary Stationary but I see the conflict there at this time. I also like Mary May I 🙂 As if you dindn’t have enough names in the pot to consider!

  2. Oh dear. I do love that little bun-hun (that’s what Emma and I call bunnies). I think an Etsy shop is a must for you! And I definitely think you should sell the pattern. Open Field Collection is my favorite, followed closely by anything jumble of words that includes “Arden.” It sounds very sincere. Probably because it’s only a “t” away from “ardent.” But I like it anwyay.

  3. I really like Mary Mary Stationary because I can totally see you designing cards and such. But I like Arden anything and Open Field Collection…I don’t think I’m going to be much help.

    I LOVE that fabric so much! That Mattie Kate is certainly a looker.

  4. My vote is for Mary Mary Stationery! (make sure you use an “e” and not an “a”)

    Who cares if you only get a bunny up first?! It will make it memorable, and that name is sure a lot more fun. 🙂

    Thank you so much for your contribution to our fundraiser. When I get it all ready to go… I’ll post the link!

  5. Tisra – I already e-mailed you back but it never occurred to me that stationary and stationery were spelled differently. How very silly. The funny thing is…I must not be alone because I looked to see if there were any similar Etsy shops with stationary in the title and other people misspelled it too. Which of course makes me feel a little better but not completely. I don’t like being wrong. Thank you for pointing that out. I will look much more intelligent from now on. 😉

  6. I like Mary Mary Stationary too – and the name could be appropriate spelled that way, as long as you don’t move around to much 🙂 Although if it were me I’d go with a little different take on that rhyme and just call the store “Quite Contrary”. But then I’ve always been accused of being contrary…

    And FYI, the Elizabeth Arden people would probably take issue with you opening a storefront called “The Arden Collection”… just sayin’…

  7. Mark – LOL…Mary Mary Stationary could refer to my lazy nature. Regarding Elizabeth Arden…so true. I hadn’t thought of that.

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