Everyday Life

Fall Fest 2006

Well, we did it. My first Halloween costume in my evil free 34 years consisted of khaki pants and an oversize t-shirt revealing nothing but my temptation for forbidden fruit. The t-shirts were a success. No, people didn’t get what we were doing but a lot of people asked and then got a good laugh out of it. Owen looked adorable in his Woody costume. I know, I flatter myself, but he was really cute. Ivan wore a simple little one piece tiger outfit I picked up at Target and it was snuggle city. My biggest complaint about working the games at Fall Fest was not the crowd, the traffic, the heat or any of that, it was having to sit and watch my little orange and black fuzz ball of a baby sitting in his stroller and not being able to hold him. I had never been to Fall Fest before and I still only saw a small portion of what they had set up. We pretty much stayed at our booths all night. I have always heard that the candy was cheap. They must have taken the hint because it was all good stuff this year. At least it was all stuff I like. Brand names and lots of it. I was told they completely cleaned out the candy aisle at Sam’s.

Becky and Bobby showed up with there two princesses and two cats, one large one small. She took a picture of Ivan and Faith together in their little furry costumes. I’ll have to see if she can send it to me.

We were there pretty late and we were tired but I think we can all say we had a good time. Well, Owen refuses to say he had fun but I think he did.

One more picture…I want to brag on my boots I made for Owen. I couldn’t find any really cheap cowboy boots to go with his outfit so yesterday I found some felt at Joann’s for 50 cents a sheet. I bought three little sheets, cut them out and sewed them in a boot shape to wear over his shoes. I was pleased with the way they came out.

7 thoughts on “Fall Fest 2006

  1. Owen looks EXACTLY like Woody! Totally cute. There’s one picture there that almost looks like Woody (Owen) is trying to ride the tiger (Ivan) and the tiger is up on two legs and Woody is saying “Whoa!”. I have an active imagination. Does anyone else see that? 🙂

    What a shame there weren’t shifts so that you could go around with your own kids. 🙁 I’m assuming Owen walked around with Becky?

    Anyway, well done Mary. And no picture of you adults in the shirts? C’mon!

  2. Tisra – We did have shifts assigned but as it was, one of our couples didn’t show up and the weather changed some of the dynamic of the event. We were supposed to be outside but were in the gym because of the wet. I did get to take Owen through one room full of games and then Kris took him through the upstairs games so he got to do quite a bit. Poor Ivan though was in the stroller most of the time.

  3. Awesome pictures. The boys are too cute. When did Ivan start standing?

    Glad to hear Cornerstone improved on their candy 🙂

    Sorry to hear your first Fall Fest experience had you working instead of just enjoying.

  4. the whole woody outfit is just adorable! You are incredibly creative, with the boots and all! I will treasure these pictures!

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