I’m basing my class (Finding Mr. Right/Avoiding Mr. Wrong) for the Women of Worth Spring Seminar on the book of Ruth. Page 315 in my Bible.
I was making my outline and I had all these great points on serving God and resting and waiting on God and then the reward that God brings when you leave your cares in His very capable hands when I felt a strong urge to look at the book of Ruth. Oh my word…well His Word…anyway…it’s my outline but it’s all in order, and it’s so beautiful, and each chapter has the exact points I want to bring out, and I think maybe it was God that made me look…ya think?
I’m thinking yes. I love the Old Testament. It’s amazing to see how God did miracle after miracle. But the people living through it didn’t have the option to flip to the end of the book to see how it ended. They, like us, had to live it.
That God, He’s so smart, I tell ya!
Travis didn’t say that, I did. He commented on Kris’ blog and I didn’t notice the name change when I commented.