I truly like Mondays. For me, it is a fresh start on a new week and a chance to catch up after a weekend without structure. I like my weekends, don’t get me wrong, but I usually take Saturday and Sunday off from all household responsibility save those things that sustain life. I feed the family and keep the boys clothed, but that’s about it. I don’t usually do laundry and I only do enough dishes to keep us sane. About noon on Saturday the house looks terrible. Amazing how quickly it goes down hill. Of course if we have company than I try a little harder and actually do some labor intensive cleaning but if it’s just us…the maid has gone home for the weekend. Actually it’s that way pretty much anytime Kris isn’t working. If he has a vacation day or comes home early…I take off too.
Anyway…back to Monday. I am again working with Owen on Potty training. He made some progress last week but I felt like it was going so slow and we weren’t getting very far so I was willing to wait a few weeks and try again. He asked this morning if he could wear underwear though so I felt I should honor that. That’s some form of progress right? Even if he does pee in them. I guess I will hole up here in the house again for a while and see what happens on the “potty train”. What do you do when he pees on the carpet? I mean is there some special way to clean that? So far he’s only gotten a few drops on the carpet and it wasn’t a big deal but what if it’s a puddle? I don’t like that thought at all. Any suggestions?
I would say that you probably want to look into scotch guarding your carpets, that way any pee that ends up there will come up easily with no stain.
Scotch Guard? I never thought about that. Do you pay someone to come out or does it come in a can? I’m intrigued.
When we potty trained Grant, we invested in a low-end steam cleaner and that was one of the best purchases EVER. Resolve and a steam cleaner- a perfect pair. If you don’t do the Pull-Up route (as I didn’t), you just have to be okay with some accidents.
Unfortunately, Bella likes to take off her diaper at will. If I don’t get to her in time we have a pee spot. I have been using some spot cleaner (can’t remember the name) and it seems to work. The little darling refuses to sit on the toilet. Meltdown city!
Yes, just keep your carpet cleaner handy. It is a definite advantage to have the boy unhappy when pee runs down his legs. He won’t want to repeat that too many times. You may want to get a stepstool so he doesn’t have to yell for you everytime he has the urge to go.
It’s nice to hear that other people’s house ends up looking completely disarrayed by a Saturday afternoon. I like you tend to take the weekends and any other time Tim is home “off” leaving a Very cluttered Monday morning. It always amazes me just how quick the house gets cluttered. Do I really clean up after us that much during the week and by the weekend just throw my hands up and say “Ah forget it”? Nearly every Saturday night I am making some sort of comment on how messy the house is. As you can see this really does puzzle me!