Everyday Life

Well It’s Saturday Again

It is Saturday and the earth is rotating at warp speeds as usual. Okay…maybe it’s just that I got up late and I’ve been playing with the boys most of the morning. I’m still in my pajamas but I did make waffles and start a load of laundry.

Thursday night we had sewing party and Amy talked about making breakfast on Saturday mornings. I got inspired so I asked if there were any takers…obviously there were. Actually, Owen said no at first because he didn’t remember what waffles were. I made him one anyway and as I was preparing to make Kris’ I asked if he wanted the full four quarters by saying “do you want all four squares?” which immediately perked Owen’s interest and he yelled…”I want squares!” Perfect. That’s what we’re having for breakfast…squares. I’ll have to describe more foods in relation to their shape…maybe he’d like more things. Although who wouldn’t like waffles? I mean really…batter fried to a crisp and then covered in butter and syrup? I mean.

Last night we went to a choir get together. It was nice…that’s all I can really say…it was nice.

Tonight…we are going to a Kats game. I hope it’s nice too. Amber is going to babysit for us and I hope that goes well for her. I know that she will say she loved it no matter what happens. I so often wish I were more like Amber. She rarely complains and is so positive about things. She has a nose for the bright side. I am the disclaimer queen and even when I thoroughly enjoy something I tend to list every negative thing as well as the positive, lest someone get the wrong idea about my enthusiasm. Silliness abounds.

SnowmanOh…check out this photo of my nephew…my sister, Becky, has her own blog now (see Bowen’s Arrows on my list to the right) but since she hasn’t updated it I’m hijacking her kid’s photos. Look how much snow they got in Greenbrier. This picture is of Landis, he’s 5 and quite proud of his first snowman. He rolled up the parts and asked his daddy to stack them up for him.

I think my little Ivan is getting tired. I can hear a bit of fussy chatter going on in the next room. I will rescue you Ivan…hang on! Oh…too late. Owen beat me. I was looking at a preview of this post before saving it and I heard Owen asking Ivan “Do you want your pacifier?” Now it is quiet but I am still going to close this one up. I have taken up enough of your precious time.

3 thoughts on “Well It’s Saturday Again

  1. Sounds like a lovely Saturday morning! Mine went a little differently. Namely 3 hours spent in the doctor’s office. Bella has had her cold go into an ear infection.

  2. Bowen’s Arrows…funny, I had to say it 5 or 6 times to get it.

    I actually made a late lunch instead of breakfast- pancakes and sausage- because my sickness seems to have gotten worse instead of better. Grrr, I used to never get sick.

    So glad Owen likes squares. It really takes some creativity to be able to describe things on their level.

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