Everyday Life

Faith, A Busy Weekend and the Superbowl

Faith is a pretty little baby and the picture I used previously doesn’t really convey that. Here’s the very first picture I took and pretty much my first glimpse of her upon walking into Becky and Bobby’s house early Tuesday morning.
Face of Faith

She was very alert and was even following movement with her eyes. I have never seen a newborn do this but it was pretty obvious that she was looking at things and taking it all in. Her siblings are enjoying her a lot and all of her grandparents arrived yesterday to help the family out. I’m sure Becky is enjoying their company as well as their muscle right now.

I am glad to be back home with my little gang. The boys are both sleeping at the moment and I have tackled the laundry and several other chores. I have checked off over half of my list for the day and found enough resources to make dinner without having to go to the grocery store…yeah!

The weekend is going to be very busy with a choir rehearsal on Saturday morning, a Pampered Chef Bridal show that same afternoon and church and the Superbowl on Sunday.

On the subject of the Superbowl, I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’m rooting for the Steelers. Since I was a little girl I’ve despised the Steelers…I can remember chanting “Stupid Steelers Stink!” when I was a very little girl and I thought Terry Bradshaw was so ugly. I’m not sure where this hate came from, maybe my dad didn’t like them, I don’t know. This year however, I can’t help but cheer for them. I like the quarterback, I even like the coach…he could smile a bit more and tends to look like a muppet in my opinion but I like that he’s been there so long and seems to hold the respect of his players. I will make no bets on which team will take home the trophy but I have had to decide who to cheer for and that’s my decision.

2 thoughts on “Faith, A Busy Weekend and the Superbowl

  1. I’m glad for you that you’re back home. It’s always hard to be away.

    I am rooting for the Sea Hawks for a number of reasons but it’s mostly because I’m still bitter that the Steelers beat the Colts.

  2. Sweet little Faith. I can hardly believe how alert she is…we all know that Dean didn’t even have eyeballs until 2 weeks old. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing her in person.

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