
The Battle Continues

Owen is still fighting whatever it is that is bothering his stomach. Poor guy has an appetite and wants to eat, but spills the graham crackers after almost every meal. No fever and no diarrhea today…he’s definitely going to get through this very soon as I am insistent that he does so immediately. He’s been a fairly compliant child thus far so I can’t imagine him fighting me on this.

All else has been somewhat on hold as I try to concentrate on whatever is bothering Owen. My house is messy and a bit unorganized, I’ve gotten little done on Ivan’s quilt, I didn’t get to go to church today, but I have kept the laundry up very well. Messy clothes will make that a priority.

I have big plans for tomorrow which include celebrating Owen’s health, making soup to freeze for baby time and cleaning bathrooms. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? I’ll let you know how it goes.

4 thoughts on “The Battle Continues

  1. Mary, Owen is doing so well. We’re all about trains today. Well, trains and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He’s obsessed! I love you, please don’t forget to rest.

  2. Mary,

    I am thinking good thougts for your new little one.

    Best wishes,
    Heather (Tisra’s friend)

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