
Spilling the Graham Crackers

Owen doesn’t feel good. He’s been “puny” as they say in the south, since Wednesday. I was planning on taking him to the playground and he had been whiny but very excited about going. He was all dressed, had his shoes on and as he’s leaning up toward the door he vomited all over himself. He got this worried look on his face and said…”Mommy, I spilled the graham crackers.” I think that’s going to be my new way of referencing this action in the future…Okay…it smells like someone spilled the graham crackers in here!

I got him cleaned up, and soon after he experienced diarrhea as well. It’s been a roller-coaster of laundry and wiping up things ever since. We did brave getting out yesterday and went to my sister Becky’s house for Thanksgiving. He had a low fever and wasn’t completely himself but he loves going to Landis and Hope’s house so we warned them first and they were insistent that we come.

Hope is 10 months older than Owen and they are about an inch different in size. She is very petite and very cute and very much a girl. There was a football game being watched in the family room and Owen wanted to watch it. Hope was all up in his face trying to get him to play with some of the toys and he did his best to ignore her. Finally he looked at her and said “I wanna watch football game!” I didn’t see this exchange myself but Kris did, and Becky and I got such a kick out of it…how very naturally these little one’s fall into their gender stereotypes. He had a good long nap on Grandpa’s bed and then another diarrhea episode which was the final straw on getting him home. He had to borrow some of Hope’s sweat pants…Thank God Kris was there to help me get him cleaned up and changed. I was frustrated, and being pregnant, nearly in tears. I hate it when my child is sick.

He was very ready to go to bed last night when we got home. I asked him if he wanted to brush his teeth and he responded with, “no, I just lay down.” Wow, that’s a new one. This morning the fever is gone, he spilled the graham crackers one time and has had three nasty blow-outs but acts a lot better. I’m hoping that we’re winding down with this and that his little tummy will be feeling better by the end of the day. He’s nearly downed an entire liter of Pedialyte and had a good appetite the whole time. No worries of dehydration…just sorry he has to feel bad at all. I have also given him some charcoal…sounds terrible doesn’t it…to calm his stomach. We’ll see if it helps.

Kris left a couple hours ago to play some football with some friends and I stayed here to make sure that Owen got a nap and hopefully I’ll get to go outside with him to swing or something once he wakes up. I need some sunshine myself but didn’t want to take Owen all the way to Franklin with the chance of blowouts happening while we were out and about. I hope that Kris enjoys himself as he doesn’t get the opportunity to do stuff like that very often.

3 thoughts on “Spilling the Graham Crackers

  1. Oh goodness! I am sorry there are so many spilled graham crackers at your house. Ours are well for the moment. I feel your pain though with a sick one and holidays. I hope he is on the mend.

  2. Okay, I feel bad for you and for Owen but I am totally going to use that phrase from now on. Ha. So funny. (in a not-so-funny kind of way) :-/

  3. Poor guy! Poor you! I’m glad he’s doing better though.

    I missed the football game too since Halle was running a fever. No “spilling graham crackers” here though, whew!

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