Everyday Life

Long Nap

I just woke up. I’ve felt sleepy all day. Haven’t been able to get much done for lack of motivation. Owen and I spent the entire morning downstairs. Dad came by and played with Owen while I worked on a little (very little) cleaning and then lunch. Dad left around 12:30 and Owen went down for a nap. About 2:30 I decided to put myself down for a nap as I was accomplishing nothing being awake. I just woke up at 4:00. Owen was standing at my bedside staring at me and as soon as I opened my eyes…”Hey, look a dis!”. Nothing too exciting…just a piece of a broken toy, but we both feel better for our naps I believe. More later.

3 thoughts on “Long Nap

  1. Awwww- good for you. Even when I get all three kids to nap at the same time, I rarely take a nap because I can “finally get something done”. Maybe what I relaly need to “get done” is a little snooze.

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