Everyday Life

In This World

Recently I heard a preacher say, “If Jesus said in this world we will have tribulation, why are we so surprised when we get it?” The crowd laughed, and I wrote it down. It’s so true? Why do we think we are exempt from bad days and bad circumstances? We ignore or over analyze statements like Jesus made and say they are for people going through the really bad stuff. I don’t know about you, but a lot of little things can multiply into tribulation pretty quickly in my house and today I’m fighting my reaction. Jesus went on to say…be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. The work is done…Jesus already overcame whatever it is I’m dealing with so…buck up little camper…have a Coke and a smile…be of good cheer! I need to make up my mind to accept the results Jesus has already achieved and be obedient to His command.

Okay…I’m so happy now! Not really, but I will be. In truth I’d love to list all the things going on, but I know that wouldn’t make me feel any better. I just get to certain days where things don’t go MY WAY and I feel cheated. So selfish of me isn’t it? I know what to do and I’m going to do it…be of good cheer. That’s me…when you see me next you won’t believe how cheerful I am…I mean I will have that sort of cheer that is categorically assigned to good. Not just everyday average cheer, but good and exciting cheer. I am talking about cheer that’s so good it almost rates a cheese factor but I think that might be offensive so I will try not to go that far. Anybody got a cracker?

1 thought on “In This World

  1. Man, have I heard a lot on this subject lately. Just last night at Bible study we talked about the same thing. Stuff happens and it’s not fun going through it but our hope is that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. And in the journey that is tribulation, our relationship with Christ deepens to a place it hasn’t been before and it makes us different. And really, that’s the goal isn’t it? To be transformed into the image of Christ. I think we focus too much on the present when this life is a warm-up, so to speak, of eternity.

    OK, I’m done, actually I could go on for hours but I won’t since this is your blog 🙂

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