Owen is still not walking this morning. I know he can if he would choose to limp but he would rather crawl and scoot and ask for help getting places than do it himself. This is the downside of his laid back personality.
Saturday, we went to the zoo and at the end of a really great day he hurt his foot or ankle. There is no swelling, the slightest look of a bruise has come through but to the casual observor it would not appear to be hurt at all. I know it does hurt and I am not trying to minimize the poor boys pain, I am simply getting to the point that I’m sure it is nothing serious and he will be fine very soon. In the mean time, Joey is here, I’m pregnant and Owen isn’t walking. That’s three to carry around and always two at a time. It really won’t be too bad. Owen does get around to where he wants to go and I’m not going to baby him. The more he has to do for himself the more apt he will be to get up and walk it off.
Saturday night was the worst of it. He really was hurting and nothing we offered was accepted, nothing we tried was helping and once he finally got to sleep he only slept an hour before waking up crying and really worrying us. We brought him into our room and watched part of The Sandlot together to get his mind off of his foot. He ate a little popcorn and I finally got him to take some chocolate milk as well. I was trying to at least get his tummy comfortable. Then we forced some Children’s Motrin down him to help with the pain and he went to sleep soon after.
He slept though the night and woke up very happy yesterday morning. He wanted to go to church and even went to his class in the nursery where he sat on a rug and watched videos most of the time. He did take a few steps yesterday too so I know that given the proper encouragement he will try more. He doesn’t complain much which is great and is anxious to play with his new Legos and his new Noah’s Ark set (a birthday present from Joey’s parents). Honestly it is so cute to watch him scoot around and crawl but not something I want to encourage at the same time.
Last night he went to bed without too much fuss and slept very well. Waking up late, he immediately called for daddy and wanted to play. He got down out of bed on his own but still wouldn’t walk. We’ll keep an eye on him today and see how things progress. I’m sure with more prayer and lots of encouragement as well as time to see the futility of crawling, he’ll be up on his feet soon.
Poor pumpkin! And Owen too! Oh I crack myself up! Seriously, does he need to see the doc? I hate when the little people are hurt or don’t feel good. Hope he gets better soon.
Poor Guy! Are you sure it’s not broken?
I doubt it is broken if he took a few steps, but if he doesn’t improve in a few days it might be wise to take him to the doctor to get it checked out. But then again, if it’s not swollen either it can’t be bad. Or can it?
I just remember that John had a swollen elbow from falling on it once and they had to put him on antibiotics because they said that his elbow and arm had filled up with fluid, and the fluid got infected. Just keep a sharp eye, mommy. 🙂
And also, is it the Little People Noah’s Ark set? Gabe has that one. 😀
Okay…no, we don’t have an x-ray machine at the house or anything but I just really don’t think it is broken. I’m willing to say I could be wrong and I have considered it, but I’m also willing to give it a little time and see how it goes. His foot is not really where it hurts, it’s his ankle and I would think that if his ankle were broken, it would at least swell a little. I think it’s just a slight sprain and nothing to worry over. Having injured my own feet and ankles many times, sprains, torn ligaments and the like, I know what a bad sprain feels like and even worse what a torn ligament feels like…he doesn’t even favor his foot to those degrees so I don’t think it’s that bad.
Not that I’m sending ill will your way, but when Madison broke her wrist last year, I didn’t take her to the doctor for 24 hours. Even when I did take her it was only to play the role of “good mom,” because I truly didn’t think it was broken. She didn’t favor it. It wasn’t swollen. She’d put ALL her weight on it. The x-rays showed a different story. The doctors had explained that with small kids you can’t use the determining factors that we do as adults to decide if it’s possibly broken. They’re bones aren’t brittle like our ours and so a break doesn’t necessarily mean the lack of use or the pain that we associate with a break. Where Madison’s break was, it was near a growth plate, so the need for x-ray and for treatment was especially important to ensure the health of that growth plate that plays an important role for years to come. I belive there’s probably a growth plate in the ankle area as well since our ankles are very much like our wrists. Just food for thought.
Ugh…I remembered Madison’s broken arm and thought I remembered you saying it was somewhat red at least. Am I wrong?
Okay…Amber has us going to the family clinic down the road. We’ll get this little booger checked out by a proffessional. I’ll keep you posted. He has an appointment at 3:30 this afternoon and he’s sleeping until then.