Everyday Life

Midwife Appointment

Well, Kathy Williams just left. Kathy is my midwife and all is going well. Other than the fact that I’m not taking my vitamins. Everything checks out…the heart beat is good, my blood pressure is good, and believe it or not my measurements are even normal. I’m measuring just slightly bigger than my dates show so nothing to be alarmed about. When she measures me I lay flat on my back and she holds a measuring tape over my belly from top to bottom. I stick way out in front when I’m standing but when I lay down she can get a more accurate measurement of the baby’s growth. She said that it would be highly unlikely that I’m having twins and she could feel the baby’s legs and head and everything pretty distinctly so I’m pretty confident that I just carry large and will probably have another fairly large baby boy. Nothing wrong with that. I told her my theory about my organs just refusing to get out of the way for a baby, therefore making my belly stick way out in front and she laughed but said it’s probably true. I have stubborn organs, but they are healthy and that’s all that matters. I just hope to see the little guy well before Christmas. She joined me in that as she has a daughter getting married in January and could use the time off beforehand to get ready for it. So, now that we’re all settled on an early delivery…let’s just pray that God and little baby will hear our fervent prayers and comply with our wishes respectively.

7 thoughts on “Midwife Appointment

  1. I did pray for Hurricane Wilma to weaken just tonight.

    I prayed for Halle to come early and wouldn’t you know it- she came a week late. Thankfully, it was still before Christmas!

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