I don’t think I ever posted pictures of my finished quilt:
I was able to meet my deadline and finished it by the end of September. It was washed and on the bed for dad’s visit as well as the Kelso’s. Which was nice since we didn’t have anything else to put on that bed if I hadn’t finished it.
I bought a plastic deck chair for Owen at the dollar store. He drags it all over the house with him…I think he likes it:
That’s it. That’s my blog for the day. I wish I had something more inspiring to say…but I don’t.
I was just thinking about your quilt and forgot to ask how the surprise when over. What a lovely treat for a guest!
Aaah not even a limerick day. You must be empty of all thought. 🙂
But! I do LOVE that quilt, as I have said before. Is it for a king-sized bed? One day I’m going to make something like that, only I doubt it will be so beautiful. Do post pictures of the sundress quilt when you finish it or as you are making progress. I think that quilts are one of my favorite things.
There was no surprise. I guess because I had said that I wanted it done by that time it was assumed that it would be. There was no mention, no comment, nothing. I had to ask. They did seem to like it. Dad wants me to send a picture of it to Reubmummy and I will…but I’d like to get a nice picture and frame it for her if I can. It is King size Michelle and once I get the sundress quilt put together I will definitely post progress all the way along.
King size??! Yikes! I didn’t realize it was that big! Lou’s mom has 4 of those little chairs on her patio and Bella spends all of her time arranging and rearranging them. She loves them.
I love it! It’s so pretty.
I really love quilts, they feel so warm and homey. Unfortunately, Travis doesn’t like them so I would probably only be able to decorate with one in a guest room.
What does he not like about them? The look or the feel? I love quilts but I don’t really like the look of a lot of them. I think this one will be the last I do of this design…my taste has changed since I started it 9 YEARS AGO!
I’m glad you asked, Mary, because it’s the look of most quilts that I’m not crazy about. Typically, the feel is just fine. Nine years ago? Hmm… 1996. Fall semester. Amy and I had our first class together (Sightsinging I). By sheer coincidence, I managed to sit by her every session.
I am sorry if I didn’t seem too surprised by the quilt. I thought it was beautiful but I was overwhelmed at the time, by Owen’s beauty. I was so excited to see him. I felt honored by your newly finished quilt but I was just hoping I wouldn’t mess it up!
Mom – Owen does have that knack. I get a little distracted by him myself at times. 🙂 I was not offended…I think my comment could have been taken that way, I guess I was just surprised no one said anything. Dad didn’t either and he has been checking in on it.
Yes, it was 9 years ago that I started it. I had just moved into my first apartment by myself. I wouldn’t say it took 9 years to make it, but that is when I started it. I had just started going to Cornerstone regularly and had not even met Kris.
Travis – I’ll have to show you some quilts that do not have that typical quilt look.
Fall 1996 was not when we had sight singing together! That was the year before we started dating. We had ORCHESTRATION together and if you’ll remember correctly you IGNORED me that sememster.
Okay…You guys can argue on your own blog. 😉