Everyday Life

Home Alone

Owen and I are home alone today. Kris’ parents and his Meema were dropped off at the airport and Kris is off to work. No Joey today as I requested that I get a day to recuperate. Poor Kris doesn’t get one and in fact will be out late tonight working on some things at the Images office. At least he had an extra hour to sleep in. I don’t have a car either. It was used to take the family to the airport, and then Kris went straight to work. That’s fine with me, I have been going quite enough. I’m happy to be home and though I have a lot to do…I’m going to rest too. Owen is watching Veggie Tales at the moment and I just hung some pictures. Wanna see?

I knew you would…

Airplane Picture

I found these at Hobby Lobby yesterday and thought that I could only get one, but guess what? They were 1/2 off so I got all three.

Train Picture

Boat Picture

Here they are all together in Owen’s room:
Boys Room

Then I found this one but didn’t buy it right away. I talked to Kris about it first to see if we should spend the money. He agreed that it was a good deal so I went back for it.

Trees Picture

Here it is in the Living Room:
Living Room

It’s not real big but I like it, and it beats bare walls don’t you think? I’ll write more about our visitors and put up pictures of Owen later…he’s calling me from downstairs so something must have happened to his video. We should just play for a while anyway.

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