You would never know that just an hour ago my house was full. Joey showed up at 6:30 as usual and then at about 6:45 Tisra brought her three children to hang out with us while she got her teeth cleaned at the dentist. She wasn’t gone long and the kids were all really good. Yes, Owen whined and Lael was a little disturbed at the change of environment but all in all they were each really good. My dad is also here from Michigan…he counted himself in with the kids this morning…making 6.
Just before Tisra left with her crew dad let me know that he wanted to drive up to Greenbrier to my sister Becky’s house. He wanted to meet someone there and he decided to take Owen with him…so…that leaves me and Joey…and he’s asleep. Ha! I’m on the computer with an absolutely quiet house around me! I like it.
I should be able to get lots done right? Well, don’t count on it. I was up at 5:00 this morning and now I’m really tired. I think I’ll lay down and then get lots done.
I had a nice weekend. Friday…as I posted earlier…Owen and I were Joey free. We ran errands and such and then just hung out for the afternoon. I decided to have a very simple dinner because Friday afternoon Kris called to say that one of our friends had offered him a Titan’s ticket. Someone had given two tickets to our friend, and his wife couldn’t go due to a babysitting commitment. I was absolutely fine with him going and though I enjoy going myself, I couldn’t very well be upset about not being able to go this time.
Especially considering how hot it has been and how pregnant I am. They really enjoyed the game and Owen and I had a wonderful time at home. We ate smoothies out on the deck and then played on the swingset until almost game time. Kris set up the computer before he left so that we could watch the game here at home. We popped a big bowl of popcorn and sat on the bed with our popcorn and spill safe bottles of juice to watch a pretty good game for preseason (see Kris’ blog for more details). Owen was pretty tired by half-time and was cleaned up and sent to bed. I so enjoyed my night with my little boy. He really enjoyed the game and when I changed channels briefly he asked me to turn it back to football. Whenever he saw someone tackled…he would point and say, “All fall down.”
On Saturday, Dad drove down from Michigan and showed up around 2:00. We just hung out here aside from a trip to the grocery store. Then yesterday we all went to church and enjoyed the back to school service entitled “Out Of Africa” (again…see Kris’ blog for details) where we had to sit second row from the back because it was completely packed out. After church we went to lunch in Mt. Juliet and then came home for rest and play time. I also quilted which is rest and play time for me in many ways. I was able to complete my 10th block. The quilt has 16 big blocks so I’m cruising right along and hope to be well into block number 11 before the day is through. Then last night after sandwiches we drove to Amy’s Frozen Custard to meet the Weber’s again. We enjoyed our cool treats and watched as a storm blew in. It was pouring hard as went to our cars but was peaceful by the time we got home. Another band of storms blew in once we got home and yet another after we went to bed. It’s so good to get the rain!
Today starts a new week and a new list of things to do. The Night of Laughter will soon be upon me and I need to get a few things squared away on it. I’m very tired now and I hope a few minutes rest will prove beneficial in tackling the chores yet to do.
Enjoy your visit with your dad. And the peace and quiet without Owen. Mine are relatively peaceful right now playing with playdoh. Really, Bella is eating it bit by bit. Yuck. But she is HAPPY.
Owen looks so much like Kris with his arms behind his head on the pillow! So grown up watchin football!
Thanks again- so glad that your afternoon was more quiet.
I think your quilt looks amazing, Mary. Do you do it by hand? I don’t have a sewing machine, but I have been dying to make curtains and quilts and the like. I’m going to get one while John is in Iraq so that I can have a hobby…something that I love to do that will also be beneficial to everyone.
Anyway if you do it by hand, maybe you could show me how sometime. I saw the cutest dollar-fabric at Wal-Mart the other day that I really want. (All different colors of crudely-drawn polka-dots. Hehe)
P.S. Maybe I can come to your next sewing-party to learn how? Would that be a problem?
Michelle – I machine stiched the blocks together to make the top, but I am quilting by hand. It is a very simple process that I learned as a child but is very time consuming so not a lot of people like doing it. I would love it if you came to our next sewing party and I will e-mail you as soon as we update our website with the information.
Yes, Michelle. We love new blood!
That sounds a bit cryptic, Tisra!! Mary, I was looking at the profile on the girl who writes Needs more Yarn. She has 9 kids and homeschools!!! I just need a nap thinking about it!!!