“Hold you…hold you”…this is the mantra of Owen whenever I sit down to do anything that doesn’t involve him. If I quilt…”hold you”…if I feed Joey…”hold you”…if I wash dishes…”hold you”…and especially if I sit at the computer…”HOLD YOU”.
I’m especially vulnerable at the computer because he can get so close to me that he’s literally holding my wrist as I type. I try to ignore him but he is relentless. Now he has managed to squeeze his head up between my arms and is climbing into my lap, constantly repeating his mantra. What faith…what persistence…I cannot help but smile.
I usually try to just close the door when I do this, he hates that, but he eventually figures it does no good to whine, and plays with his toys. The other day, he and Joey were both outside the closed door where I could still hear them quite well. All was peaceful until Owen needed a new diaper or something. He did not whine or cry he simply walked up to the door and very politely knocked. I had to answer! Whining will not get my immediate attention, but a polite knock…you bet!
It is Friday, and though I have nothing spectacular to say, I thought I’d post anyway…I know you all love to read my daily drivel. I need to come up with another limerick to post…in fact, here’s one my grandpa came up with when my mom was in Jr. High:
A Limerick
by John P. Schwartz
There once was a girl named Nan
Who wanted to live in a can
But people they say
That it just wouldn’t pay
For there wasn’t room for her man
Yes…it is indeed a slow news day.
Yes, especially when you plagiarize. Really slow.
Here’s one Kris came up with…I thought it was funny:
There once was a man with an orange
Who wanted to … doh!
Oh so you come from a long line of limmericksters! Interesting! Emma used to do the same thing with me. Hold her! Hold her! Bella takes a quick hug and is off again. I talked to Tim this afternoon. They are on their way to Dr Brownings for a check up. Fun, fun. He sounded in good spirits. LaDonna was in the shower.
I like to write haikus. This is my favorite one that I wrote after an especially frustrating day of laundry.
in my pink laundry,
a red sock.
The trick is to have him asking when he’s 13
Yeah, thanks for the tip on the blog. Now I have a whole nother group of blogs to fill up my time with!!! ; )