We are in Florida. We got here around 1:00 this morning and got to bed around 2:00. Owen was really good until the very last bit of the trip. He was so tired of being in his seat and was just tired in general. He cried and slept and cried and slept. Poor baby.
He has been a big hit with Grandma and Granddaddy and has thoroughly enjoyed all the attention he is getting.
Kris and I slept pretty well last night and I got a nap today, yet I am still very tired. I blame pregnancy. We are going to go outside and watch fireworks in about 45 minutes. Kris’ parents live on a big lake and the city of Lakeland does their fireworks on this particular lake so we should have a good view from their dock.
Having a very relaxing time.
I’m sure that driving all night like you did was just as hard on non-pregnant Kris. But, well worth it to have not wasted vacation time in some hotel. Have a grand time!
Yes, we split the driving time which was nice. We both had sore bottoms from being in the driver seat as much as we were. At least Kris didn’t cry in his sleep like Owen did. 🙂
Poor thing! That really is a long drive and you just can’t get comfy. Hopefully the drive back will be better; I know, there’s a Hurricane!