Everyday Life

Fun With Cousins

Okay, I think in Monday’s blog I had said that I was keeping Becky’s kids on Friday morning but I was wrong. It was today. They just left which allows me to update my blog and put in a few pictures of the fun Owen had with Hope and Landis.

I talked to Becky yesterday and suggested that they just spend the night since we were going to see them at church Wednesday night anyway. I really didn’t think it would be a big deal because it would be such a short time with them anyway and spending the night just means sleeping…right? Well, maybe for some people. Hope had other ideas. She is potty training and is pretty much trained but has a few glitches. She is also a real character when it comes to getting into things. She got up after Landis had fallen asleep and began emptying shampoo and mouthwash bottles in the guest bathroom. Keep in mind these were the small complimentary hotel bottles but the mess was substantial none the less. I had to take down my white shower curtain to run it under cold water and try to keep the mouthwash from staining it. She was beaten and sent back to bed where she fell asleep in like 2 minutes…Thank God.

This morning has been fairly uneventful, just busy. They are both good kids, but they are kids and needed a lot of reminding about what was acceptable and what wasn’t. It’s especially hard to get the attention of kids who are in a different house than there own, playing with different toys and following different rules. They did well.

Owen just loves both Hope and Landis. He and Hope played well and being closer in age were able to enjoy more of the same toys and games. Landis, however, is his hero. He follows him around, copies what he does and laughs at anything he says. It’s a little scary.

Both Joey and Owen are napping right now so I’m going to go get something to eat. In my haste to get the three kids fed breakfast this morning I literally forgot my own. I did grab a snack a little while ago but it just isn’t cutting it. Bad pregnant lady…bad.

2 thoughts on “Fun With Cousins

  1. Hope and Landis have gotten so big!

    Owen looks like he is having so much fun. I think once baby #2 is about 6 months old they’re going to have lots of fun.

  2. Yes, he is already so excited whenever Joey comes each morning and wants to know where Joey is whenever he gets up from his nap. I think having a little brother or sister is going to be pretty exciting for him. Once they can actually play together, I can picture him being a very attentive big brother, but time will tell.

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