Things have been going well. After my blog on Monday I was able to write out the sketch for the Night of Laughter and the Keenagers banquet with little effort. A lot of the one liners had been thought up earlier so all I had to do was put it on paper in such a way that it flowed and sounded conversational. I think I’ll try to do it in a New York accent since I don’t do a good Hebrew. After getting it written and reading through it a couple of times, I’m actually looking forward to it. I just have to memorize it and that always takes me a while. Once it’s in there, it stays, it’s just hard to make that imprint on my brain. I have a list made for Owen and I as far as packing for our trip and I should be able to get that done on Friday. I made out a program for the banquet and e-mailed those involved so we know what we’ll be working with. I just need to take care of a few other details and then I won’t have to think about it until I get back. Well, I’ll think about it because I will be memorizing my script but other than that I can leave it in Nashville while we’re on vacation.
The night of laughter is another story, Sandy called me yesterday and wants to change the date. I think that will be fine I just need to check with a few people who have already committed to helping on the night previously picked and see if they can move it back a week. I hate making phone calls but a lot of these people don’t check their e-mail so I need to make calls and get Sandy an answer this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The Night of Laughter was scheduled for the 23rd of September but now we are looking at the 30th and that does put it a little closer to some activities we have planned. Kris’ parents are coming down the first part of October to hang out with us and then celebrate Owen’s birthday on the 6th. I doubt they could do it but it would be kind of cool if they could come early and catch our little comedy night.
I also got a little work done on some stuff for Images. At our board meeting Saturday I agreed to create an outline for Brent and I have it started, so when he gets a chance to sit down with me we should be able to bang it out pretty quickly. I would also like to create a brochure for Heart of the City…one of the facets of the Images Ministry.
I have been able to keep dinner on the table and the house clean and not feel rushed or frustrated either. I love that! Last night I went to LaDonna’s party and didn’t feel guilty for leaving the house in a mess or half a dinner for Kris and Owen. I had peace, and even when I left LaDonna’s house last night I felt so good. I think the freedom that I felt to leave my own house allowed me to enjoy the time I spent with her and her friends so much more.
I say all of that to say that I feel so good about what I’ve accomplished the past two days and I think it totally comes down to what I’ve been praying lately. I’ve been praying that God would help me to recognize Him…know Him…in such a way that I can trust Him. I think people don’t see results from their prayers for healing, for help, for success, for favor and whatever because they don’t have faith for those things. We don’t trust what we don’t know and the reason we lack faith is not because we aren’t good people who believe in God…we believe in Him we just don’t know Him. I want to learn to know His character traits so distinctly that I do everything throughout my day under the premise that I am doing all things unto the Glory of God, knowing that He is calling me to do each task and giving me the strength to do it. Beyond that…in Psalm 57:2 it says…”I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.” He performs all things for me! Isn’t that interesting? He does it, and that is why He is glorified in it. There are a lot of reasons we don’t know God and I think one of the keys is what the centurion said to Jesus in Luke 7. In verse 8 he says, “For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.” Jesus marveled at these words and the centurion’s servant was healed because of his great faith. The centurion understood something that most Americans do not…he understood authority. Most of us think of our line of authority in a very democratic way, but God is not an elected official…He’s a dictator and we don’t recognize His authority as such.
This is getting very long and I could go on and on and on but I won’t because I don’t think most of you care to read it as much as I like to type it. I’ll let you go now and you can check back tomorrow for a more shallow report.
If you like to type it, I’ll read it.
As you know, I love the Psalms. Thanks for sharing that…..