Everyday Life

Curls, Haircuts and Getting a Groove On

Curly Headed OwenMost people don’t really know that Owen has curls. His hair curls in the heat and when it’s really dirty and then again right after it’s washed. It looks so cute but Kris and I are usually the only ones who enjoy it because it just gets a little wavy and scary looking after he lays on it or messes with it or whatever. He has looked very sloppy for some time but I’ve dreaded cutting his hair because I love those curls. Today I went to a salon intending to cut my own hair as well as Owens. Our appointment was squeezed in while someone was getting a color put in and she had time to cut mine but not Owen’s so he is still shaggy but I look a little better. I decided to put some gel in his hair and it has really helped. We went to Amber’s Tupperware party last night and everyone loved his curls and I tried to tell Kris we don’t need to cut it, we can just gel it and it will look great. He is not interested in having a little boy with high maintenance hair so we will try to get it cut next week.

My cut is still long but has some layers and is just a bit below my shoulders now. It looks a lot healthier and fuller and I’m looking forward to playing with it a bit.

In other news…we are going to Florida the week after next. I’m very excited about this because we haven’t been away in a while and also because Kris’ parents just moved into a new house. Last July 4th they came to visit us in our newly acquired house and one year later we are returning the favor. We have seen pictures and it looks very very nice.

I’m having company on Sunday and my house is a mess and I have no gumption to do anything about it. I am going to be gone nearly all day on Saturday so I need to get busy on it now and all I want to do is lay down in my unmade bed and take a nap. Does anyone feel sorry for me? I didn’t think so. In fact, if I were reading someone elses blog and they said that, I’d be thinking…just get up and do it…you’ll feel so much better when it’s done. So…I will attempt to heed my own advice and move my posterior from my chair and get a groove on…maybe I’ll turn on some music…that usually helps.

6 thoughts on “Curls, Haircuts and Getting a Groove On

  1. I don’t know…I’m kinda wanting someone to give *me* permission to throw myself into my unmade bed for a little rest. How about we give each other permission? I guess the only catch is that no one’s home will get the attention it needs. grr. Maybe in another life.

  2. You’re gonna have to cut it sooner or later, but I think you should enjoy it for as long as you can. Gel is fun! I put gel in Gabe’s hair and make it all spikey and messy. I love it and John just calls him a hippie…but oh well. He’s my baby I birthed him!!!! :p

  3. Have fun with your boy and his hair. There will come a time when he won’t want or let you mess with it!

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