Today we are unexpectedly watching Joey again. Normally Samson, Joey’s dad, doesn’t work on Friday’s and I have one free day. I had planned to take Owen to my brother’s house and have lunch with him today. I am still planning to do this but now I have the added responsibility of taking Joey with us. Hopefully that won’t be much of a problem. I have sandwiches made and a some fruit ready to pack up and some ice tea brewing downstairs.
When we get back I want to get the house straightened a little…it’s mostly done already and get ready for our first appointment with Kathy Williams, our midwife. She will be here sometime after three. I’m not exactly sure what time since she has another appointment somewhere on this side of town and wasn’t sure how long it would take her. Kris will come home from work a little early and we’ll listen expectantly for the heartbeat of our next little baby.
After that we’ll go to Kendall and June Joseph’s house for dinner. I am considering leaving Owen with someone for that visit simply to allow us to concentrate on our friends and not be constantly distracted by Owen. He’s usually very good, but still…kids just tend to take up the conversation and he is at an age where he wants to talk and interrupt a lot. I’ll wait and see if someone is available to take him and if not…we’ll bring him along.
Tomorrow…I pray that I can sleep in. I really, really, want to sleep in.
What an exciting (and at times, exhausting) for you…..
Well, I meant to insert “time” in there…..