Everyday Life

I Must Explain

When I put this picture up on my last post I wasn’t intending to lead anyone astray. These are not my feet and I do not weigh 120 pounds. Yes…I dream of weighing 120 pounds but this is simply a free graphic from a source I use often, called www.comstock.com. I did a search for “scale” and found this great picture, not really thinking about the fact that someone might actually think it was me. Sorry for the unintended misrepresentation. Someday I’ll take an actual picture like this and you can see what I really weigh…but not right now.

1 thought on “I Must Explain

  1. Why do us girls care so much about that? It’s not like the lady in the picture weighs 120, either. She’s on carpet, doesn’t she know that not the accurate way (weigh- ha, ha) to do it!

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