I’m in Michigan right now. I’ve been up here since late Sunday night, or more accurately early yesterday morning. My sisters and I ventured here to tackle a big job.
Our mother passed away nearly three years ago and though we have gone through a lot of her things there are still areas around the house storing projects unfinished and items unused. There are boxes of old cards and letters, shelves and shelves of canning jars, all sorts of small appliances and gadgets that must be looked at, reminisced over and then either treasured, tossed or tagged for a yard sale. It’s a big dirty job but we are here determined to do it and though we are constantly interrupted by the five kids we brought with us we have made progress.
I have, in fact, found a few treasures that have made my day. Upon finding a couple of boxes marked with my name I have sorted through the silly Junior High and High School notes and keepsakes to find a few cards and envelopes seemingly unopened. One such envelope contained $6.00 I had set aside to pay my annual Joint MYF (Mennonite Youth Fellowship) dues, while another envelope held a card from a nice family at church who had given me $10.00 for my graduation. I love finding money…as some of you know…I like to hide a few dollars in my winter coat pocket when I put it away in the Spring, just so I can find it again when I pull it out in the Fall. A poor investment I know, but I’m the homemaker, not the breadwinner…I invest in good morale.